
Surf Excel Matic Liquid

Original price was: ₹120.00.Current price is: ₹97.00.

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Surf Excel?is a?Unilever?brand that is currently as the counterpart brand of?OMO detergent?in the?India,?Pakistan,?Bangladesh?and?Sri Lanka?markets.

Surf?(known as?Sunil?in the?Netherlands) is a British?brand?of?laundry detergent?manufactured and marketed around the world by?Unilever, except in the?United States,?Canada?and?Puerto Rico, where it has been owned by?Sun Products?(now?Henkel Corporation) since 2008.[1]

The brand was introduced in 1952 by Crosfields of Warrington, a subsidiary company of?Lever Brothers?in the?United Kingdom. Surf was introduced in the?United States?in 1959 after?Rinso, which had been Lever Brothers Company’s lead laundry brand, had declined in sales and market share.